Introducing Oliver and Dexter!

The best dogs in the world. Period.


 Exhibit A - Dexter (Dex) Rescue Dog 7 years old. GBB. Good Big Boy.

Likes – Belly Rubs. Chicken necks. His doggy couch. Long naps in our bed while we are out. Beach trips. Sniffing butts. Stealing precious mac n cheese with extra cheese toasties. Pretending to be a mountain goat at his favourite creek. Kitties. Scritches.

Dislikes – Motorbikes. Huskies. Vacuums. Baths.


 Exhibit B - Oliver (Olly) Silky Terrier 6 years old. Cute and Crazy.

Likes – Snuggles. Being a shadow. Small nose mlems. Pig oinkers. Patrolling the yard. Butt pats. Sleeping on Dads feet at the end of the bed. Toilet rolls. Doing twirlies at the top of the stairs. Sitting in your warm spot on the couch. Liver treats.

Dislikes – Motorbikes. Vacuums. Plastic Bags. Feathers. Birds. Baths.

 We are so proud of our happy little (partly furry) family!